School Food

  • School Meals

    Students attending school in person will be offered free breakfast and lunch daily in school. Please contact your school for more information on meal times and locations.

  • Support School Funding

    You do not need to apply for your child to receive meals. However, we do ask families to complete Family Income Inquiry Form, which helps schools receive money for their programs. Your school will send a copy of this form home with your child, or you can get it from your school’s main office.

  • Menus

    Get monthly menus for your child so you can see what's for breakfast, lunch, after school and more.

  • Food Programs

    We offer a variety of food service programs to students throughout the school day. See below for information on special programs, besides regular meals.





Download the School Food App

The app is available for Android and iOS. You can use the app to view menus and submit reviews.