P141K@PS 54

P141K@P54K has students in grades K-5. Our six classrooms have ratios of 12:1:1 and 6:1:1.

Due to generous funding from GROW NYC and Department of Sanitations Green Team Grant, P141k @ PS54 is building a new garden for the school. A small group of teachers are heading up the project with support from the school wide green team. We look forward to sharing our latest project with the community and picking the fruits of our labor. Stay tuned for more!

We also have a partnership with Materials for the Arts (MFTA), and students have different times throughout the year to make their own instruments, participate in sing-alongs, and produce their own art work through watercolors and the study of plants to share in our school's art galleries and online celebrations.


Name Position
M. Thornton Principal
H. Rencher Assistant Principal
Trina Davis Parent Coordinator
D. White School Aide
S. Townsend Guidance Counselor




School Food


P141K @ PS54

Tel: (718) 237-2255
Fax: (718) 237-2779
195 Sanford Street
Brooklyn, NY 11205