Health and Wellness

  • Health Services

    New York City schools offer many health services to support student health. School physicians and nurses conduct physical exams and help manage the health of students with health issues like asthma, allergies and diabetes.

  • Health Requirements to Attend School

    To help manage your child’s health needs in school, we require you and your child’s health care provider to complete certain forms. Using these forms helps assure that your child gets the care and services they need during the school day.

  • Immunizations

    A healthy school setting gives all students the best chance to learn and grow. For this reason, we require children to receive vaccines for certain diseases.

  • 504 Accommodations

    Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act requires public schools to offer services and accommodations for eligible students with disabilities. These services help students with special health needs fully take part in school.

  • Mental Health

    Mental health impacts not only our students but our families, schools, and communities. Learn where you can find our mental health services.

  • School-Based Health Centers

    School-Based Health Centers are medical health centers within the schools. They help students manage their illnesses during the school day.

  • Sports and Staying Active

    Regular physical activity helps children and teens to be healthy and fit. The DOE offers many opportunities for students to participate in sports and to stay active before, during, and after school.

  • Staying Healthy

    Our schools work hard to avoid the spread of illnesses at school. This is one of the reasons students are required to get certain vaccines before starting school for the first time.




School Food
